Anne Cadigan is a certified feng shui consultant based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She completed a three-year master’s training program in BTB Feng Shui in 2007, a program founded by one of the world’s foremost leading authorities on feng shui, the late Professor Thomas Lin Yun.
Anne specializes in feng shui techniques for personal growth, well-being, health and prosperity. Anne combines her knowledge of eastern philosophy, her love of architecture and design, her keen ability to read energy and environments, with her intuition to offer her clients inspiring and life-enhancing feng shui consultations.
Anne’s background includes over 20 years of experience working for planning, design, architecture and real estate professional services firms in the San Francisco Bay Area. She has extensively studied Taoist philosophy, physics, religion, and theology. After several years at Wesleyan University in Connecticut, she received her BA from the University of California, Santa Cruz.
She consults on residential and commercial properties throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and offers remote consultations to clients across the country.