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Does it spark joy? standard

I just finished reading a really inspiring book - the life-changing magic of tidying up by Marie Kondo. I am a little late to the party as this book is already a New York Times bestseller and has sold 3 million+ copies. Better late than never – if you haven’t already gotten your hands on a copy, I highly recommend you check this book out - it will start a revolution in your home, your heart and your soul. Her method is simple: “Start by discarding. Then organize your space thoroughly, completely, in one go.” The discarding bit takes time but feels amazing. I have already gone through all my clothes and books and tackled the basement – yikes. ...

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gateway home standard

I pass this gate often while walking my dog. There is something so enchanting about it. What a sweet entrance to a property - I love it. It makes me feel calm and happy. Take time to appreciate the experience of coming home.  How does your home's entrance or the gateway to the property impact you? Is there an easy flow of qi up to the front door? Do you follow a gentle winding path? Is the path to your front door well-lit and easy to find? Are there trees and flowers to greet you? Think about how you can improve your experience of coming home.  My daily experience takes me down stone steps, past beautiful trees and flowers and ...

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